El blog de Carlos Ganoza

blog about software engineering, computer science and other boring things.

Speech recognition with python

Well, after such a long time without writing I decided to migrate my blog to this subdomain and change blogger for hexo in github (I promise to talk about hexo in another post, if you can’t stand the curiosity, google it). Now what it touches; There are some tools in python for speech recognition, such as an implementation of CMU Sphinx that works very well for English, or others that use the D......

Hacking routers with a facebook applications

On November 5 I had the honor of participating in the LimaHack 2011 that took place at the UPC (Lima-Peru), in which I returned to see friends that I did not see a long time ago, I also had the opportunity to meet great people with a lot of knowledge to share. LimaHack 2011: I'm the guy in red coat XD In this event, touch a simple topic but from which you can get a lot of profit (Routers, D......

Data Structures in Python

Hi Dear readers, here I bring to you, some implementations of the data structure’s course, but with python.In my University it’s used java for this course, but I wanted to use pythonbecause right now is my prefeer language. So, lets go! queue.py1234567891011121314151617181920class Queue: def __init__(self): self.queue = [] def is_empty(self): if self.queue==[]: return Tr......